Tuesday, July 16, 2024

EMBASE Cardiac Update AutoAlert: EPICORE Cardiac Surgery Blogger2

Your autoalert was checked against the latest changes but no relevant documents were found.
Total documents retrieved: 0

Results Generated From:
Embase <1980 to 2024 Week 28>
Embase Weekly Updates (updates since 2024-07-12)

Set Search Results
001 exp Heart Surgery/ or cardiovascular surgery/ or Heart Disea 3538
se/su or Thorax Surgery/
002 (heart surger$ or cardiac surger$ or cardiovascular surger$ 1095
or cardiothoracic surger$).mp.
003 ((heart or cardiac or cardiothoracic or thoracic or cardiova 1535
scular) adj3 (surger$ or surgic$ or operati$ or procedure$))
004 1 or 2 or 3 4004
005 meta analysis/ or randomized controlled trial/ or "systemati 20240
c review"/ or controlled clinical trial/
006 4 and 5 365
007 limit 6 to (english language and yr="2009 -Current") 327
008 limit 7 to updaterange="emexb(20240712220818-20240712233921] 0

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